We’re proud to share our adopted trail. As part of the City of Albuquerque Parks and Recreation Department, and One ABQ Volunteer program, we’ve adopted a segment of the Paseo Del Bosque nature trail. Our responsibilities include visiting the site regularly to clean up any debris that accumulates.
One feature that makes New Mexico a great place to live is the natural beauty of this unique place. Our diverse ecosystem consists of mountains and plains, lakes and rivers, with a climate as varied as the culture. The Paseo Del Bosque is a multi-use trail that extends from Alameda Boulevard to Rio Bravo. Spanning 16 miles, it is used by bicyclists, runners, dog walkers, in-line skaters, and equestrians, among others. Wildlife diversity can be seen along the trail: coyotes, porcupine, squirrels, beavers, otters, gophers and rabbits; waterfowl including ducks, geese, crane and heron; hawks, owls and eagles; snakes, lizards and a myriad array of insects. The segment of trail we have adopted extends from Tingley Beach near the COA BioPark/Botanic Gardens and Aquarium, northward to the I-40 underpass.
The city of Albuquerque offers plenty of rewarding volunteer opportunities for individuals, small groups, and large groups. We encourage our staff and members of the community at large to embrace and improve our city. Go to cabqvolunteers.com if you would like to help out around the community.